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  • Congratulations to the 2023 4th CaSR Symposium ASBMR Travel Award Recipients!

    Congratulations to the 2023 4th CaSR Symposium ASBMR Travel Award Recipients!

    • Jun 21, 2023

    2023 4th CaSR Symposium ASBMR Travel Award Recipients

    (From top left to bottom right: Christian Norman, Fangyu Liu, Feng He, Iris Hartley, Li Tian, Marianna Ranieri, Onur Cil, Sara Brennan, Sarah Howles, Søren Egstrand)


    June 21, 2023

    ASBMR is pleased to announce the ten recipients of the 2023 4th CaSR Symposium ASBMR Travel Award! These awards allowed 10 early-stage investigators the opportunity to attend the 4th International Symposium on The Calcium-Sensing Receptor that was held in Chicago from June 13 to 14, 2023. The program showcased research on CaSR structural biology and in-depth discussions with basic, translational, clinical scientists, and clinicians who study the biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, physiology, and pathophysiology. Thank you to those who applied for the awards and congratulations again to the following ten recipients:

    • Sarah Brennan, University of Sydney
    • Onur Cil, University of California
    • Soren Egstrand, University of Copenhagen
    • Iris Hartley, NIDCR, National Institute of Health
    • Feng He, Stanford University
    • Sarah Howles, University of Oxford
    • Tian Li, Georgia State University
    • Fangyu Liu, University of California
    • Marta Onopiuk, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
    • Marianna Ranieri, University of Bari Aldo Moro
    • Christian Santa Maria, California Northstate University


    About the ASBMR

    The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) is the leading professional, scientific and medical society established to bring together clinical and experimental scientists involved in the study of bone, mineral and musculoskeletal research. ASBMR encourages and promotes the study of this expanding field through annual scientific meetings, two official journals (Journal of Bone and Mineral Research® and JBMR® Plus), the Primer on Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism, advocacy and interaction with government agencies and related societies. To learn more about upcoming meetings and publications, please visit

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