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  • United States Bone and Joint Initiative (USBJI)

    The Bone and Joint Initiative (formerly The Bone and Joint Decade) is a global, multi-disciplinary initiative targeting the care of people with musculoskeletal conditions — bone and joint disorders. Bones, and the joints that create function and movement, are connected by muscle and ligaments. Their state of health and how they enable one to lead an active and healthy life is what the Initiative aims to improve. Its focus is on improving quality of life as well as advancing the understanding and treatment of these conditions through research, prevention and education. The Initiative has been endorsed by all 50 States, all 125 medical schools, and a number of corporations. The Initiative works with the NIH exploring ways to raise awareness about bone and joint conditions, and address issues of concern to the research community. The Initiative was officially proclaimed the national Bone and Joint Decade 2002-2011 in March 2002 by the U.S. President. In 2010, the Bone and Joint Decade was extended to 2010-2020. 

    What are the goals of the Bone and Joint Initiative?

    Supporting organizations of the Bone and Joint Initiative are engaged in developing new research and education programs that will bring about significant advances in the knowledge, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, and increase the number of resources at the disposal of the healthcare profession and the public at large. Overall, the Initiative is committed to making an impact on the estimated $254 billion annual cost of musculoskeletal conditions in the United States.

    The goals of the Initiative are to:

    • Raise awareness and educate the world on the increasing societal impact of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders
    • Empower patients to participate in decisions about their care and treatment
    • Increase global funding for prevention activities and treatment research
    • Continually seek and promote cost-effective prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders.  

    For more information on activities in the United States browse the contents of the USBJD website at

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