ASBMR Young Investigator Awards
The ASBMR Young Investigator Award recognizes young investigators who submit top-ranking abstracts to an ASBMR Meeting. Award recipients will receive a $1,000 honorarium and a plaque. The ASBMR expects that $500 of the honorarium will be used to help offset travel expenses to the ASBMR Meeting. The other $500 may be used by the recipient at his/her discretion. Eligible applicants must:
• Be the first and presenting author of the abstract
• Be a student/trainee or within five years of completion of a Ph.D., M.D., residency training or equivalent*
• NOT be a past recipient of an ASBMR Young Investigator Award
*The five years of eligibility are defined to extend from the end of the calendar year of the date of graduation or, if applicable, of completion of residency training or clinical subspecialty fellowship training, to the submission deadline date. Clinical subspecialty fellowship training is considered to end no later than the point at which the individual becomes board eligible. To petition for an extension of eligibility, please contact the ASBMR.
If an individual selected to receive a Young Investigator Award does not present his or her abstract at the meeting, or is found to have not fulfilled eligibility criteria, the award will be cancelled and/or forfeited.