The Advocacy and Science Policy Committee is charged with generating recommendations in response to proposed government research initiatives, regulatory requirements, NIH research grant submission policies; and reviewing issues that affect basic and clinical researchers who are members of ASBMR.
The ASBMR Ambassadors Subcommittee, working in partnership with the Membership Engagement Committee, plays an important role increasing local level awareness and engagement in ASBMR programs, facilitating interactions between local members and ASBMR leadership, welcoming new members in their region and identifying/recruiting new ASBMR members.
This committee is charged with planning, organizing and delivering the scientific program for the Annual Meeting, in close consultation with the President and staff.
The ASBMR Development Committee is charged to develop and oversee the implementation of the Society’s fundraising strategies for individual annual and major gifts, corporate giving (educational grants/sponsorship), planned giving/endowments, and foundation support.
The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Committee will ensure that ASBMR embodies all facets of diversity (inclusiveness, mutual respect, multiple perspectives, and equitable opportunities) so that all members, irrespective of race, ethnicity, nationality, cultural background, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, income, physical and mental ability thrive in the bone and mineral research field.
The Early Stage Investigator Committee seeks to advocate for and increase engagement of ASBMR members who are in the early stages of their career. The Committee is charged with the following: provide resources to guide early stage investigators in their career development; educate early career investigators about resources, content, and opportunities available to ASBMR members; serve as a voice for early stage investigator needs and perspectives within ASBMR; and, foster a culture of supportive mentorship and networking opportunities in order to promote meaningful interaction between early stage and mid-career or established investigators.
The Committee is charged with overseeing the development of education content and formats for ASBMR members outside of the ASBMR Annual Meeting.
The Ethics Advisory Committee (EAC) is charged with providing guidance and interpreting the ethical requirements and standards of the Society.
This committee should exercise the authority of the Council in the management of the Society between Council meetings.
This committee is to oversee the financial affairs of the Society and advise on budget considerations and fiscal strategies which address ASBMR's long-range goals and short-term needs
The Committee is charged with leading the continuous improvement of the Annual Meeting to ensure that it remains the premier event that brings together global experts in the bone, mineral and musculoskeletal field.
The committee aims to nurture and develop young and mid-career investigators, consider their career development needs, and develop member loyalty to and participation in ASBMR through the following activities
ASBMR recognizes there is an urgent need to bridge the gap between what we know about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of bone diseases and what is being practiced in the clinical setting. This committee has the responsibility for identifying the needs of ASBMR members who are in academic or community clinical practice.
This committee is charged with oversight of the policies and procedure of all publications owned or sponsored by ASBMR, including the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, JBMR Plus, and the Primer.
Newly established in 2023, this committee is charged with amplifying Society messages and encouraging engagement between members and prospective members worldwide. In addition, the committee may propose campaigns or messaging within the broader ASBMR strategy.
This committee is charged with mentoring women in the Society with respect to career advancement, academic promotions, combining a career with family, etc.